Fujian Provincial Hospital
Colour pathology report
Pathology No.: XXX
Name: XXX Gender: Male Age: XXX Received time:2019-12-18 at 10:25
Application hospital: Domestic hospital Application Dept.: Surgery(South campus) Inpatient No. XXX
Ward:7th (South Campus) Bed No.:07.09 Outpatient No.:
Name of specimen:
Clinical diagnosis: Right upper lung mass
Gross findings:
(Right upper pulmonary nodule)The specimen was a wedge-shaped lobe specimen, the size was 9cmX2.3cmX2cm, the length of Endoscopic stapler cartridge was 8. 5cm.
After cut off the specimen, A gray-white tuberculum was found closed to the lung capsule, the size was 1.5cmx1.4cmXxlcm,the cutting surface was porcelain white without capsule, the boundary was unclear, the texture was hard.
Pathological diagnosis : (Right upper pulmonary nodule):Pulmonary hamartoma.
Report physician: XXX Review physician: (Valid with manual signature)
Note: please contact with our department if you have any questions in this report.
Tel: XXX Report date: 2019-12-20
Seal: Fujian Provincial Hospital
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